Zygomatic implants and subperiosteal implants are types of dental implants that are used when there is not enough jawbone to support traditional implants. But when is each recommended? Let's look at some differences between the two: Shape: -Zygomatic implants are extra long implants whose length is due to their placement site. -Subperiosteal implants are personalized...
Until very recently, those who suffered from bone loss in the upper jaw did not have many options to recover their smile, since dental implants need a solid base on which to be placed. This situation can occur for different reasons: Prolonged edentulism (loss of teeth) Long-term use of removable dentures Trauma Due to generalized...
El pasado 4 de septiembre de 2012 aparecimos en "el Periódico de Catalunya" explicando un caso del que estamos particularmente orgullosos. Hasta la fecha, cuando un paciente perdía una gran parte de la mandíbula, la alternativa más habitual era extraer un trozo de otro hueso (generalmente del peroné o de la cresta iliaca). En el...